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Draper, Inc.
Model: StyleLine
July 19, 2021 - Since Draper® introduced the Foundation® Mount System for LED, we’ve often focused on the fact that it was designed specifically with installers in mind. Speed and precision are built-in by design, so regardless of the LED display size or brand, all assembly and installation steps can be easily managed by the installation technicians.
In this blog series entitled "Did You Know?" we are sharing specific examples of how our team did exactly that. In this second installment, we will look at the Foundation’s z-axis adjustment process.
The most important part of a seamless LED videowall installation is getting it flat.
The Foundation’s primary adjustment is designed to eliminate issues with wavy walls or mounting surfaces. That precision adjustment, as discussed in part 1 of this series, is built into the Foundation’s wall mounting bracket.
However, Draper incorporated a second level of z-axis adjustment specifically for the LED panel. This additional z-axis adjustment allows the installer to account for fluctuating LED panel thicknesses.
In some cases, LED panel assemblies may be manufactured in different batches and may have some very slight differences in the overall thickness of the assembly. Unfortunately, this creates visible seams in the videowall. The seams between the panels can be easily noticed even when the alignment is off by as little as .1mm. In an effort to ensure that every display installed on a Foundation mount looks its best, we’ve added a feature enabling the installer to make micro-adjustments at each corner of each LED panel.
This is done by accessing the flat slot in the end of the button head mounting bolt we provide. If the installer notices a misalignment in the z-axis of a particular LED panel, he or she can remove the LED modules from the face of the display and adjust the mounting screws in or out slightly. Doing this changes the overall depth at that mounting point and brings the panel into alignment.
This feature works with the majority of LED panels because they utilize a through-hole at the mounting point locations to allow access to the head of the mounting stud from the front face.
To learn more about the Foundation installation process, and how much easier it really is, watch a series of videos.
The Foundation is available for any nearly any direct view LED panel. For details, contact your Draper representative.
By Terry Coffey
Central Ohio Audio Video
6650 Busch Blvd.
Columbus, OH 43229
(614) 848-5222
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